Tsai Lab

Location and Contact Information
Principal Investigator
The Tsai Lab focuses on discovering and understanding novel signaling mechanisms of heart failure and developing innovative therapies for improving heart function. We utilize multidisciplinary approaches ranging from discovery science in patient biological samples to mechanistic studies in cell-based systems, transgenic mice, and animal models of heart failure. Two major active areas of research for the Tsai Lab are: 1) elucidating the cardioprotective mechanisms of nitric oxide receptor soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC1) across distinct subcellular microdomains within heart cells; and 2) characterizing the molecular pathophysiology that uniquely underlies right ventricular dysfunction and right heart failure.
The ultimate goal of the Tsai Lab is to discover novel approaches for treating patient with chronic heart failure, particularly those who are already optimized on guideline directed medical therapy. Our major emphasis is in preventing and reversing right ventricular failure, an unmet, morbid and fatal, clinical need.