Research Laboratories

Conducting the highest quality, state-of-the-art basic and translational research is a core mission of the Cardiometabolic Precision Medicine Program. Our growing numbers of cardiometabolic genomic researchers are already nationally and internationally recognized in their field. The Cardiometabolic Genomics Program (CGP) Laboratories closely collaborate with laboratories within the Division of Cardiology as well as with our associates across Columbia University, promising a powerful output of new scientific insights and discoveries over the coming years.
Cardiometabolic Genomics Program Laboratories
- Muredach P. Reilly Lab
- Robert Bauer Lab
- Xuebing Wu Lab
- Hanrui Zhang Lab
- Yuichi (Jay) Shimada Lab
- Danish Saleheen Lab
Cardiology Laboratories
Affiliated CUIMC Laboratories
- Henry N. Ginsberg Lab
- Ira Tabas Lab
- Alan Tall Lab
- Anthony W. Ferrante Lab
- Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic Lab